If you are having trouble solo queuing apex legends trust me you are not alone everyone has this problem at one point or another and someone who pretty much solo queued exclusively from sea
son two through season five and still a fair amount today i figured i'd share some of my experiences as to what works and what doesn't i will say this is gonna be with the thought process of an average player so someone who can have flashes of brilliance but for the most part might struggle a little bit in taking opponents and playing with random teammates this is also more so for pub games but everything.
we're going to talk about is going to be pretty relative to ranked as well and finally there is no clear-cut way to win with randoms every time and your experience is going to be very different based on how they are performing but these tips will help you maximize your effectiveness in your games
The very first thing to talk about is going to be your legend choice something that absolutely impacts the way you play and even before you're in the game certain legends are just better with random teammates than others five suggestions that i have that are pretty good for solo queue and will help your teammates that you maybe aren't talking to and fill a variety of playstyles are going to be bloodhound lifeline loba crypto and gibraltar.
you'll notice that every legend i'm picking here is a legend that isn't necessarily a top tier 1v3 warrior like horizon but rather i am now having the thought process of what are the best legends that can bring the most usefulness to my team with the minimal amount of skill and effort required there is no beating around it apex legends is a team game at heart and playing like it isn't will always mean .
you are in a slight disadvantage and again these legends are going to help you and your team my first choice is bloodhound as they are the easiest to use and the best teammate in my eyes as the simple ability of the skin gives incredible amount of information to teammates with no communication required and on top of this the ultimate is great for playmaking the second legend is going to be lifeline lifeline is a great solo queue legend if you are slightly better than average player as you can still be in the fight.
when you are also reviving your teammates who maybe are getting knocked more than you her overall kit might be a little weak but the auto revive makes up for this in a huge way similar to this loba another support legend is also great not only for herself but also her team the ability to get you and your teammates geared up and looted up faster than everyone else can be absolutely huge for getting positioning and taking the advantage in some early game fights .
while her bracelet is still a little bit bugged at the moment it is still a solid way for some movement and a lot of the other legends don't have this movement capability with a lot of support capability as well gibraltar is a legend that i like to pick for solo because it has an extreme amount of usefulness with the dome shield being used for revives rotations protection from ultimates and more and on top of this he is one of my favorite legends .
when it comes to close range fights due to that gun shield and the huge amount of damage he can absorb and finally crypto for me is a solid legend in solo queuing but a bit harder to excel with i pick him because he does have a little of everything from team support scanning offensive play making with emp i will say though that it does require a slightly better than average player to make the most of his kit while playing solo though as it does require you to do a lot with no communication
and it can definitely be tough overall though the legend is a small part and playing the legend you want to play should be your first priority and these are just my recommendations and these are the legends i feel like i do a little bit better when i am playing solo queue moving on though.
let's briefly talk about weaponry this usually goes down in one of two ways and for me it depends on what my teammates are playing if i'm paired up with someone like watson or rampart that usually signals to me that the game i'm about to play might be a little bit more slower paced a little bit more defensive this means i'll try to take something with a bit more mid to long range maybe like an r301 a triple take or a charge rifle and then pair that up with a close range smg or a shotgun.
whereas on the opposite side of things if i get paired up with a wraith or horizon or a pathfinder this signals to me that i am probably in for a little bit faster paced game and i'll take something more like a r301 with a shoddy or an r9 and this is a little bit more typical in terms of my type of play style and this is a little bit more aggressive the big takeaway though is that i would always err on the side of caution and bring more of a medium type of loadout this goes into a topic that we will soon discuss of taking fights but more times than not i find the teammates i play with are a bit more passive afraid and slower paced and this does require me to adjust accordingly and almost always if i take a medium range type of loadout it does help me
when i am running these type of weapons rather than two close range weapons or two long range weapons of course the legend of player picks also isn't necessarily a for sure fire sign that they are gonna play in a particular way so you do need to be mindful of this and the legend that someone is taking is really just an initial indicator of how they could perform not a for sure way that they are going to perform that way .
let us now talk about communication or almost lack thereof if you are solo queuing in a perfect world you're going in with a microphone and communicating this way with both of your random teammates that also have microphones however this rarely is the case and even myself.
i don't usually talk to my random teammates i pretty much kind of just mute them right away maybe this isn't a good thing but the best in that minimum what you need to be doing is to be pinging as much as possible within reason of course you should almost always be pinging enemy locations where to move pinging loot where you are dropping not just general areas but even specific buildings respawn made this extremely robust and revolutionary pinging system.
And we should all be using it unless of course you know you're knocked spamming enemy pings or you know to pick up your banner don't do this another thing that isn't directly involved with communication but also be on the lookout as to what your team is running open the inventory and take a look in the corner to see what your teammates are using in terms of ammo what gear they have also if they need ammo health or shields share with them don't be greedy one teammate that is low on shields isn't going to do much for you if you do go into a full team that is fully stacked and ready to go the first thing after choosing a legend is of course dropping and this right here is .
what i deem the most important factor of whether you are going to succeed in your games a bad drop generally can mean poor loot in a poor overall game experience which is crazy because it's such a simple thing but seconds matter at the start of games if possible physically pick your legend every time this better assures that you have a higher chance to become jump master if you aren't jump master though within a few seconds you need to analyze the drop ship path and ping a spot on the map the worst possible thing that could happen is no one pings anything and then you're landing really late at a spot i would say to not even wait for your teammates to ping because you don't know if they are paying attention or not generally i find it works best this way and this means you are already taking charge of your squad meaning your life is in your hands not some random jump master who is unsure of where to go where to drop how to drop finally i almost always suggest landing somewhere around mid-dropship path meaning not too hot but also somewhere where it isn't completely dead with no action because no action just means you aren't gonna improve so unless .
you're an absolute warrior or a pro player you should always be mindful of the fights you are taking an average team of three players will pretty much always win over one good player because apex is definitely a team-oriented game this tip is a little less clear-cut but be analyzing where your teammates are where they are going and their skill level i can almost always tell a player skill level both teammates and enemies by the way they are moving around the map and if they are able to move and keep up with me or if i'm having a harder time keeping up with them then i pretty much know their skill level and how they are going to perform in the game the main goal that you need to keep in mind .
when it comes to shooting at a team or taking a flight is to make sure you aren't prematurely starting any engagement that will get you knocked or injured without any backup this means your team needs to be within a reasonable range obviously not holding hands but they need to be able to help you and assist you with fighting this of course goes back to communication and pinging to keep your team aware of what you want to do and what fights you want to take and one more thing with fights for me it will depend a bit on your thought process but i will never jeopardize my game for a bad decision my teammate makes this means if they blindly make a push or an aggressive play without you around then that is not your problem and you need to probably just adjust your game accordingly and this usually means i end up playing a bit slower as i am probably soon to be without that teammate but of course solid team play and some minimal amount of communication will help you avoid this but even then sometimes it's inevitable that that you know ttv wraith is going to quit before you know their knees even get on the ground or they're knocked
finally let's briefly talk about endgame and choosing,
when to fight end game fights with random teammates might be the most important part of your game next to dropping an easy way to clutch up win is if you hear two teams fighting and there are three squads left this instantly triggers to me that there is two teams already fighting and i need to be there ready to third party them and clean up that single team that's left over or finish off both teams .
i almost never try to be on the team that is fighting when there are 3-4 squads left because i don't want to be getting third partied and lose my game right at the end of a match and this really is the case when i am solo queuing because i don't have optimal communication like i would if i'm playing with my main squad and this is even more prevalent when you are solo queuing because i can't communicate with my random teammates quite as effectively to tell them you know we need to back out of here there's a third party coming in there's a fourth party coming in and.
we might not be able to coordinate as well to escape out of an area other than this though if you do make it to endgame with your random teammates you probably are doing pretty good as this generally is a harder thing to do with the majority of average players so there's a few tips about what i do and how i analyze the game when i am solo queuing in apex legends and this is just my overall thought process unfortunately there isn't any clear-cut way to win with randoms more time than not it is a tough experience and one that takes a lot of adjusting too and you're gonna need an immense amount of patience in your gameplay .