how to be a more aggressive player move around the map more get more kills and just overall have a better kill death ratio now if you do want to play aggressive I would recommend using an SMG a shotgun or maybe even a better close-range rifle.
you possibly can for playing aggressive so that means that most of the time you want to be using an SMG the top SMG in the game right now are the R Us and the cordite now of course I realize a lot of people already know this but whenever you're running an SMG or a shotgun you want to put on light weight and dead silence so they can't hear you coming and you can just sneak around the map and lightweight of course because it increases your sprinting speed by so much and it's just a drastic difference and it enables you to have better movement better strafing and move around the map faster so that kind of goes into.
moving around the map and rotating I don't think people actually do this enough as you can see or I have seen in this gameplay here so far whenever I get a kill either duck behind something or I move to a different location now the reason for doing this is just cuz that so the enemies don't actually know exactly where I am and they can't pinpoint me and flock to my location because a lot of the time when you're playing aggressive it's just gonna be you they're in their spawn or deep into their territory and there's not gonna be that many teammates near you to actually help you out so you don't really want to be taking one on two gunfights most of the time .
you want to cut those down to one-on-one fights another thing is that you should try to be as unpredictable as possible now what I mean by this for example is if you're playing nuketown and you shoot someone around the left side of the map get a few hit markers on them now the normal player is gonna push up they're gonna try to finish off that kill and most of the time they're gonna get traded out by the enemies teammate but instead what you can actually do is use your speed to your advantage since you're running an SMG and lightweight you're gonna be really fast you're gonna be faster than they expect and you can run around the side of the map maybe finish up that kill and maybe even get a double kill and they're not gonna be expecting it .
3.drop ,shotting, crouching, jumping, sliding.
Drop, shotting, crouching, jumping, sliding, anything that you can do to possibly make your enemies miss some bullets is really crucial so you've probably noticed that cod mobile server's aren't actually the greatest there's a lot of lag and moving around dodging and weaving strafing a lot is gonna increase the odds of something going wrong and just the hit registration not being there another thing you probably noticed is cod Mobile's character animations are sometimes really really weird for example you can see someone crawling across the map like a snake sometimes and honestly just the more you move the better chances of something weird like that happening .
you can cook the Crouch button and the prom' button at the same time and they can't see you but you can see them and shoot them a lot of stuff like that happens all the time so the more you move the better your odds are of getting something like that so really what I'm trying to say is just use cod Mobile's glitches and bugs to your advantage.
4 . To be aggressive and challenged first .
To be aggressive and challenged first so the reason that you actually want to do this is because of something called a lag compensation I believe it's called lag compensation it's pretty much just when you turn around the corner and push them first it's gonna take like half a millisecond for you actually to show up on their screen because your device has to send it to the server which has to send it to their device and that does take like a millisecond or two so that means that you're gonna have the advantage when you peek first so that's obviously gonna help you win gunfights now of course when you're using an assault rifle some of the time you don't really want a challenge you can sit back and just 80s at a doorway but whenever using an SMG I would highly recommend always trying to challenge first .
It's kind of a no-brainer but a lot of people don't realize or understand how crucial it is you should be watching your radar constantly your radar is one of the most crucial things when you're playing aggressive it's gonna give you more awareness for example if you watch where your team is spawning at and where your team's located on the map then it's gonna also give you a pretty good idea of what sections the enemies actually control and that way you just won't run stupidly into them and die so there's one of the things.
I actually see the most is when people watch me they see me playing so aggressive they think I'm just running around the map using my gun skill and my movement just to win all these gunfights that is true some of the time but most of the time I'm actually analyzing my mini so I know exactly where they are at all times and when I see people try to copy my play style they just run around the map as fast as possible just rushing and dying and you don't want to be one of those people that just is completely brain-dead you want to be always thinking about what is going on around you and around the map.
I don't ever really see people mentioning this or talking about it it's having an escape route so when you're deep in their spawn you should always in the back your mind know a way to leave so for example if you run out of ammo you need to reload or maybe you need to call on your scorestreaks you should be paying attention to your map enough. that you know hey I can push through here my team's kind of in that area and I can escape out of here without dying a lot of the time after you push in really aggressively say get a couple kills it's a good idea to push back out push to where your teammates are get your bearings and then maybe prepare to go in and get aggressive again.